Knowledge Base Publishing System

see also What is Knowledge Base Publishing

The Montague Institute's Knowledge Base Publishing system is used internally to manage its research, publishing, and administrative functions. It is also available to members and course participants in two formats:

A - Z indexes. Presented in a traditional back-of-the-book format, the Montague Institute Review index terms points to Web pages and articles on the Montague Institute Web site. The Index includes a subject hierarchy (table of contents), thesaurus for cross references, definitions for many terms, and listings for people and organizations.

Teaching Lab. The same system provides each course participant with a private work area to create a document repository, controlled vocabulary, thesaurus, and list of experts. Participants can view their data in a private version of the Montague Institute A - Z format as well as a tabbed navigation format and can export their Lab data at the end of the course.

At the conclusion of the learning experience, data entered into the Lab for a course project can be exported in Excel format, hosted indefinitely on the Montague Institute server, or deployed in a custom version of the Knowledge Base system installed on the participant's own server.

Five kinds of metadata
The Montague Knowledge Base contains metadata for people, organizations, products, terms, thesaurus relationships, and documents. Participants can populate the Lab via an import function or by direct queries in real time. They can extract metadata from the Lab via an export function (including XML formats) or by direct requests from another application. We use these functions to reduce metadata creation and maintenance costs, improve the efficiency of our search engine, and increase the productivity of authors, editors, and researchers.

The following screen shot shows the thesaurus data entry screen and the same data displayed as an A - Z index.

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge
Thesaurus A - Z view

Custom Web part
click image to enlarge

The articles in the sidebar are about how the Montague Institute developed and uses its Knowledge Base Publishing system, both for internal operations and as a teaching tool.